Parental Alienation and Modification of Custody

In the case of Anthony J. v Joanna K. the court found that the mother’s conduct, which included numerous (19) false abuse/neglect reports and/or promoting mandated reporters to make false calls to the ACS hotline, was sufficiently egregious to warrant a change in custody.

Due to these false calls and claims, the father and the children were subjected to Administration for Children’s Services interviews and investigations, as well as needless court oversight. The court found the mother’s actions to be an intentional interference in the relationship between the father and children, and inconsistent with the children’s best interests.

If you find yourself in need of a highly skilled attorney in the field of family or matrimonial law, please call The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Emdin at (212) 265-1350 or email us at [email protected]

Jeffrey L. Emdin